I have to make a confession. Aside from the fact that I am really busy, I lost the desire to blog about just anything. I thought I needed time to think so I stayed away for a while, maybe in that way I can sort things out. My busy work schedule, what is happening out there which made my world go round and not to mention why I lost interest with something I so love doing. But even on those quiet times when I stayed away from the blinking cursor, I had to admit that I really missed this thing called blogging and the people I've come to know called friends.
Where did the old time went? It dawned on me that one of the factors why I had a temporary distaste to share anything was because I am missing old folks who were also away right now: blog friends who are in hiatus and those who decided to quit for good alike (if in any case you're reading this, which I know you do, just want to let you know that I'm missing you).
Reality knocked me down. It's not blogging that I want to stay away with, it's the prying eyes. I know this fact ever since and it's a shame I let it take the best of me. Everytime I try to write something, they ended up on my drafts and they soon piled up. One proof that I want to share it but afraid to do so.
One day, I realized that we're blogging for different purposes. Some wanted to share their thoughts while it's an outlet for others. One blogger once told me that I should always remember that I am also blogging for myself. When several people take interest of your writing, somehow you would feel happy but itchy and watchful as well. You would consider their feelings and thoughts, fearing that you would hurt someone unintentionally along the way or would cross the line somehow. But blogging is about respect too. Respect for other people's feelings and opinions. Bloggers have different genes and creative abilities and so as their way of sharing. With that I rest my case especially when I read the words below:
Each of us has a fire in our hearts burning for something.
It's our responsibility in life to find it and keep it lit.
This is your life and it's a short one.
Don't let others extinguish your flame.
Photo borrowed from Talentedo
A blog which is home to gorgeous photos
and few words full of substance.