The World will go dark again at 8:30 PM on March 31 in observance of the Earth Hour. A moment to switch off the light for 60 minutes to save energy and to raise awareness of environmental issues.
The Philippines started participating since 2007. And as this article had pointed out, our observance can go "beyond the hour" if we are really committed in saving our environment so the future generations will savor themselves with the bounty of nature.
To encourage everyone to go beyond the hour, World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF-Philippines) came with the brilliant idea of "I Will If You Will". A dare/challenge game to inspire friends, family and colleagues to pledge in caring for our environment beyond the hour.
You can participate through twitter by tagging the friends you're challenging with a simple statement like the one below:
I will use the stairs instead of the elevator if you will pledge to support the Earth Hour @Maderuchan. At the end of your dare, write “Let’s support #EarthHour” the hashtag #IWIYW, and mention @WWF_Philippines.
January 18, 2011 when our city implemented the city ordinance which required everyone to bring their own bag when shopping. Plastic bags were banned as a step for waste reduction, alienate non-biodegradable products and to raise awareness of the depleting aura of natural resources. A year after the implementation, bringing shopping bags seemed normal to everyone and if you forgot yours you will use a paper bag instead provided by the grocery stores and boutiques where you buy your goodies and clothes.
And it didn't stopped there for me. Brown paper bag have its unique character which fascinates me even more. I love its color and scent and since I'm a sucker for Papemelroti (gifts and other stuffs made of recycled paper) I came up with the idea of using the paper bags for different purpose whichever deemed appropriate (gift wrapper, notebook, and envelope).
The stuff below is my "Walk and Save Envelope" where I put the money I saved from walking instead of taking the tricycle. The idea benefited me twice cause I was able to save an ample amount everyday and I'll be fit at the same time. And observing the Earth Hour made me realized that there's an additional benefit which is dedicated for the environment and that is recycling.
made from used paper bags
Endless ideas about the Earth Hour increases my adrenaline and this whole idea is making me excited. #TheBlissOfSimpleThings isnt it?